James Herchek for Oneida County Legislator


About Jimmy

Retired real estate property manager, and Rome resident, James Clayton Herchek is running as a government-shrinking tax-cutter for Oneida County. He loves the strength, beauty, and uniqueness of the people and natural resources of Upstate New York but sees what's left of the former grandeur of the Empire State wasting away by the destructive forces of ever-growing tax-gobbling big government. 


"Freedom-loving willing-to-work productive people drive economic growth when given the chance," Herchek says. "The Oneida County sales tax and property tax rates are some of the highest in the State. Our population keeps shrinking while the County budget keeps expanding to HALF A BILLION DOLLARS, leaving continually less people to bear continually higher growing costs of local government. Oneida County has so much to offer but continued punitive taxation will keep driving people away until freedom-loving folks of all political persuasions say enough is enough here and throughout New York."


LT Herchek, Naval Flight Officer in 1987. Wife, Yun-Young Park, and daughters for their 2022 graduations. 


Press conference Aug 9, 2023 announcing lawsuit to compel Brenda McMonagle to disclose campaign finances.


Who You Vote for Matters!

Political Resume

1982 Graduate of University of New Hampshire

B.S. Community Development. Studies geared toward managing the financial, human resources, and administration of local government operations in small cities and rural municipalities. 

CNN Presents Immigrant Nation Divided Country

Herchek helped lead a winning lobbying effort in the Georgia Legislature to require drivers licenses as proof of citizenship to vote. This brought him to the attention of CNN for a documentary on the emerging national illegal immigration issue. Documentary Immigrant Nation Divided Country first aired in 2004. Available online.

Elected to 2 Terms in New Hampshire General Assembly

Served with first wife, Dianne Burns, as State Representatives 1977 - 1981 for City of Dover while in college. Herchek served as chair of subcommittee for state retirement benefits. Dianne later joined the Los Angeles Police Department and capped her career as Chief of Police in Barstow, California. Both remarried. No children together. Still friends.

Vote - The foremost right of citizenship, and the way we peacefully remain the greatest Nation of all time.

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